星期一, 9月 28, 2009














星期日, 7月 19, 2009

用了五年的 KUROBOX 硬碟終於遞出辭呈


這台kurobox不單單是nas,他其實做了很多不想讓一般主機硬碟太早掛點的事,我把其他機器上面的站存根cache都移到他身上,當然也包括了24hr不關機的file server跟bt與emule。由於p2p軟體非常的傷硬碟,當初的規劃是用到死,卻沒想到,這一用就是五年多,五年多來這台小機器居然撐了過來,在不通風的機櫃裡面,沒有冷氣吹,雖然他全速的功率也才17w,但是hdd本身得溫度就很高,在封閉空間裡面,他沒當過機,都是router先掛掉。

寫一下這機器的簡史,他是我當初在日本自己帶回來的,玄人志向的改裝部品,換裝debian LINUX,掛上httpd、smb、nfs之後,作為家中檔案伺服器之用,後來添加的media server、fileserver、p2p server都是利用他當作暫存跟動態存去之用,在24hr日以繼夜的操勞下,撐過了五年多的苦難歲月,如今即將卸下工作,進我的博物館了。


星期三, 7月 08, 2009

簡單的極致,pomera 文字處理機


記得很多年前使用ppk + palm v的時候,可以拿來打出一篇文章,作筆記的感覺,現在幾乎沒有人這樣使用,甚至連ppk那個等級的輸入設備也都買不到了,取而代之的事cost down過後的產品,華麗,卻有著質感上得不足。



























螢幕採用的是高反差與高解析度lcd,看起來跟eink的質感非常接近,同時具有將近180度的可視範圍,作為文字閱讀或是編輯,都有極佳的表現。同時因為是tft lcd,所以不會有eink更新遲緩的問題,更加適合進行編輯動作,或是長時間閱讀。













兩台放一起,會發現,sharp ac890甚至還要來的大一點。


再跟fujitsu u2010放在一起看看,其實還真的大小都是屬於同一個範圍的。但是u2010可以跑很多的應用程式,上網也很方便,不過比到鍵盤的話,這方面就差很多了,pomera遙遙領先。



星期四, 7月 02, 2009


Execs Go Online for Business Intelligence

JULY 1, 2009
Internet = Information

Getting the most up-to-date business information has always been important for business executives. In the past, they scoured newspapers and the trades for information and insights on trends and developments. But now, to find information fast, they turn to the Internet.

According to the “Rise of the Digital C-Suite” study from Forbes Insights and Google, the Internet has become the most valuable information resource for US executives.

Information Resources that US Senior-Level Executives Find Valuable, March-April 2009 (% of respondents)

Online ranked ahead of at-home and at-work contacts, personal networks, trade publications and outside consultants as an information resource. Newspapers and magazines trailed behind.

When it comes to locating business information online, search engines were rated higher than other digital tools, such as blogs, social networking sites and subscription search services.

Information Sources US Senior-Level Executives Find Valuable for Business Research, March-April 2009 (% of respondents)

The most important information executives searched for online was competitor analysis (53%), followed by customer trends (41%), corporate developments (39%), technology trends (38%) and compliance and legal issues (26%).

Surprisingly, 53% of executives preferred to gather information themselves rather than delegate research tasks to employees.

“Senior executives of all ages found the Internet to be a profoundly useful tool,” wrote the survey authors.

Online information sources will likely grow in importance, as executives under age 50 use new media tools more often than their older counterparts.


Delivering Digital Marketing

JULY 1, 2009

Karin von Abrams
eMarketer Senior Analyst
Friends, not cannibals.

The two-day DDB conference in London, sponsored by Broadcast magazine, brought together representatives of the UK government, the BBC, BSkyB, ITV, Virgin Media and other broadcasters with executives from Hulu, NBC Universal and Google. Media agencies and consultancies also took part.

Inevitably, the spotlight was on the relationship between TV and online viewing.

First, some remarkable facts:

  • Google is effectively the UK’s eighth-most-popular TV channel in terms of audience attention—and its revenue per hour is 30 times that of commercial channel ITV1. (This from Kip Meek of Ingenious Consulting Network and a consultant to the team behind the “Digital Britain” report.)
  • The BBC iPlayer carried 44% of all video streams seen on UK PCs in 2008, according to David Elms, head of media practice at consultancy KPMG.
  • Outright piracy is rampant. Oxford Economics calculated that in March 2009 alone, online theft of UK TV content was worth £531 million ($982 million). Moreover, 25% of all online TV piracy is estimated to take place in the UK.

So is TV at war with the Web?

UK Consumers Who Have Watched a Music Video on YouTube in the Past 12 Months, by Age and Gender, March 2009 (% of respondents in each group)

Broadcasters have certainly felt hard done by, as they saw their expensive content posted online without their say-so. Ad revenues for commercial broadcasters have fallen sharply and continue to tumble. Broadcasters also feared that people viewing online would spend less time watching television.

That turns out not to be true.

Alan Wurtzel, president of research and media development at NBC Universal, shared details of NBC viewers’ media behavior during the 17 days of the Beijing Olympics. Extraordinary usage around the clock enabled NBC to gather a wide range of data. Working with research firm Integrated Media Measurement Inc. (IMMI), the broadcaster monitored a number of individuals watching Olympics coverage on TV, the Web, a mobile phone or a video-on-demand (VOD) device.

Among the conclusions drawn at NBC:

  • The Web and other new technologies are ushering in a new “golden age of media,” in which multiple media usage is the norm.
  • TV is still king—across all generations. Viewer numbers and audience engagement levels are higher than ever.
  • Consumers expect multiplatform content—though most will not consume it on all devices.
  • Technical capability does not equal consumer interest. If you can’t offer simplicity and a great user experience, don’t bother.
  • Broadcast TV and the online channel can be best buddies. The Web does not replace traditional TV; it complements and extends it. NBC found that the more platforms viewers had, the more TV viewing of the Olympics rose.
  • Cross-platform ads really work, boosting brand recall and message recall in viewer samples by 40% or more.
  • Mobile TV viewing is coming to the mass market. But not yet.

Similar data on viewers’ perennial loyalty to TV content came from a study by the UK Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB UK) and broadcasting industry body Thinkbox. So the war is off, and a new consensus is emerging among TV broadcasters and content owners: If you can’t beat them, join them. The new mantra is about monetizing content across various platforms.

Broadcasters still struggle to do this, of course. But at least they are developing business models that tackle the problems head-on.

Teen and Young Adult Internet Users in Select Countries Who Prefer to Watch Online Video on TV Channel Websites*, September-December 2008 (% of respondents)

For example: Carolyn Fairbairn, director of corporate development and strategy at ITV, said that the company saw two ways to grow profits in the brave new multichannel world:

  1. Selling more content globally, including online
  2. Moving viewers away from personal video recorders (and the ability to skip ads) and toward VOD

ITV estimates that VOD will account for between 12% and 20% of all UK TV viewing by 2012. Another estimate, from UKTV, puts VOD viewing at about 10% of the total in 2013.

ITV is counting on the chance to insert pre- and midroll video ads into VOD content. It is also following the development of micropayments—which may give broadcasters a chance to claw back some of the revenue lost to the online channel.

Finally, it was heartening to see satellite broadcaster BSkyB unfazed by the threat of “new media.” Rob Webster, director of channels and operations, said that Sky considers its subscription model “absolutely sustainable.”

Meanwhile, Sky will continue to promote high-definition (HD) television—partly because even non-HD television viewing appears to rise in HD households—and will develop “addressable ads” for launch within two years. Because it can profile the viewing interests and habits of its subscriber households, Sky will be able to sell ads matching those interests and charge advertisers a premium.

For now, in the UK at least, TV and Web are sitting at the same table.

星期日, 6月 28, 2009





星期二, 6月 16, 2009


How Much Online Video Do Viewers Watch?

JUNE 16, 2009
Screen crazy!

If you feel like you are stuck in front of a viewing screen all day, you are not imagining things.

According to the “Video Consumer Mapping” study from the Council of Research Excellence (CRE), the Ball State University Center for Media Design and Sequent Partners, US consumers are screen crazy, spending 524 minutes (nearly 9 hours) a day in front of some sort of screen.

Average Time Spent per Day with Select Media Among US Consumers, by Age, Spring & Fall 2008 (minutes)

But not all screens are created equal.

Throwing cold water on the sizzling-hot online video space, the study found that little of the screen time was spent viewing “computer video,” which only accounted for an average of 2.4 minutes per day. That’s less than 0.5% of the average US consumer’s screen time on a given day.

Mobile video only accounted for an average of 6 seconds of viewing a day.

Even taking account of movie and out-of-home video screens, 98% of video is still viewed on a television screen.

However, several pieces of research contrast with the study’s findings, particularly on the subject of online video.

Nielsen observed that in May 2008, people spent 4.5 minutes per day watching online video, higher than the CRE estimate—but then Nielsen surveyed Web users only.

In addition, Universal McCann estimated that 74.2% of US Internet users watched online video daily or every other day in 2008.

Internet Users Who Watch Online Video in Select Countries Worldwide, 2006-2008 (% of respondents)

But TubeMogul found that 54% of online viewers didn’t make it past 60 seconds of video in late 2008.

CRE has an explanation for the conflicting figures: Online video watchers overstated the amount they watch by “an extreme.”

“This suggests that online video may be more important to viewers than the short running times of the clips would indicate,” said Paul Verna, eMarketer senior analyst.

“The CRE’s findings on viewing duration highlight one of the limitations of online video,” added Mr. Verna. “Despite the best efforts of TV networks, film studios, sports leagues and other purveyors of long-form, premium content, the Web remains a haven for ‘snack’ viewing—user-generated videos, music videos, news clips and game highlights.”


Shoppin’ Where the Trees Ain’t Droppin’

JUNE 16, 2009
Green sites are sprouting up everywhere.

Consumers primarily shop online for convenience, product selection and price. But now another reason can be added to the list: environmental responsibility.

Fully 35% of respondents to a Shop.org survey believed that online shopping is better for the environment than store shopping.

Even better for online retailers, 60% of those who believed in the environmental merits of online shopping said they would shop online more as part of a greener lifestyle.

“A crop of green shopping sites has emerged to help consumers find eco-friendly products and get tips on how to incorporate green practices into their lives,” says Jeffrey Grau, eMarketer senior analyst and author of the new report, Green E-Commerce: Gaining Momentum. “In addition, savvy consumers use the Internet to evaluate the legitimacy of brands’ eco-friendly product claims, and social network sites are becoming hubs for a wide range of environmental causes.”

Surprisingly, the recession has not stymied consumers’ plans to buy green products.

In a Cone survey, over four times as many respondents said they were more likely to buy green products today than expected to buy fewer.

Overall, eight out of 10 respondents indicated they planned to spend at least as much on green products today as they did in the past.

“Brands are ramping up their green product launches in response to growing consumer demand,” says Mr. Grau.

According to Datamonitor, the number of eco-friendly product launches more than doubled in 2008 compared with the year before.

“For green consumerism to really take hold, marketers need to be creative in targeting people who are likely to benefit from their products,” says Mr. Grau. “Then they must explain how their products improve these people’s lives.”

And the Internet may be the perfect place to start the conversation.

星期一, 6月 15, 2009


Does Product Placement Work?

JUNE 15, 2009
Brands are ready for their close-up.

Does seeing the latest model of the Corvette Stingray in “Transformers” or hearing the new Rihanna hit on the soundtrack of “Gossip Girl” motivate consumers to buy?

“The way product placement works best,” said Adam Erlbacher of PlaceVine, a brand integration service, “is maybe the hero drinks a branded soft drink in one scene, then it’s used as a murder weapon later.”

According to Myers Publishing, branded entertainment, including product placement, is one of the fastest-growing advertising media. In 2009, $9 billion will be spent in the space, growing 4% from the previous year and accounting for 4.5% of the total media share.

US Advertising Spending Growth, by Media, 2006-2011 (% change)

How much of the branded entertainment spending is for product placement is impossible to tell, but the latter probably accounts for a small percentage of the total.

Many consumers find product placements bothersome.

Less than one-third of Internet users in a fall 2008 GfK Roper survey thought product placements were “quite acceptable,” and 36% found them annoying. In contrast, 42% and 37% of respondents said TV commercials were acceptable and annoying, respectively.

Types of Ads/Promotions that US Internet Users Find Acceptable or Annoying, September-October 2008 (% of respondents)

In addition, a BIGresearch survey indicated product placements were not highly effective. The method worked best for grocery items (such as branded soft drinks), with nearly 15% of consumers believing such placements influenced their purchases, followed by electronics, apparel, home improvement and restaurants.

US Consumers Who Believe Product Placement Influences Their Purchases, by Category and Race/Ethnicity, October 2008 (% of respondents in each group)

African-Americans, Hispanics and Asians tended to be more influenced by placements than whites.

Seeing a product on the big (or small) screen might boost a brand’s image, but it may not increase sales. Of course, you could say the same about seeing an ad.

Marketing isn’t easy. In product placement, as with all other tactics, you have to find what works best for your product.


The Entertainment Industry Plays a Sour Note Online

JUNE 15, 2009
The tryouts have not been boffo.

Three pillars of the entertainment industry—music, movies and video games—are facing economic challenges due to the disruptive influences of digital distribution.

“The music industry was knocked off balance by the emergence of the MP3 in the late 1990s and has not recovered, and Hollywood’s two core businesses, box-office receipts and DVD sales/rentals, have stopped growing,” says Paul Verna, eMarketer senior analyst and author of the new report, Digital Entertainment Meets Social Media. “And while the sales of video game consoles and software titles remain relatively strong, the industry’s future is shifting to digital distribution and ad-supported models.”

To take music as an example, spending on CDs and other physical sound carriers dwindled to $5.8 billion in 2008, down 60% from a peak of $14.6 billion in 1999.

“In 2009, the US recording industry will mark 10 consecutive years of declining CD sales,” says Mr. Verna.

US sales of recorded music will drop to $5.52 billion in 2013. This downward trajectory will extend a pattern that began in 2000, when physical sales started to decline after rising dramatically during the heyday of the CD.

“Online will experience healthy growth, mobile will trend slightly downward and physical will continue to plummet at accelerating rates,” says Mr. Verna. “Unfortunately, the sum of online and mobile will not compensate for losses in physical, but it will slow down the rate of those losses to a 2.9% drop in 2013.”

In 2008, single downloads made up the bulk of digital music sales, over $1 billion.

An NPD Group survey revealed a nexus between music and social media, finding that the percentage of US teens who downloaded or listened to music via social networks increased from 26% in 2007 to 46% in 2008.

Many music fans are gravitating to social sites via iPhone applications.

The Pandora app has been a huge success, with more than 4 million users as of May 2009, and about 20% of the 1 million songs per month downloaded through affiliate links were from Pandora’s iPhone app.

“The iPhone was game-changing for Pandora,” says Jessica Steel of Pandora. “It was the first device where the light bulb went off for listeners and those in the industry that Internet radio isn’t about just a Website and a PC anymore.”

“Clearly, this is a period of experimentation for the music business and social media,” says Mr. Verna. “The next step for these services will be to broaden their offerings into a user experience that straddles platforms and devices.”

星期五, 6月 12, 2009


Japanese Mobile Moves Online

JUNE 11, 2009
E-mail is important, too.

For many years the mobile market in Japan has served the rest of the world as a model of the future of mobile development. If that holds true, expect more mobile users online.

According to the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, mobile Internet in Japan reached nearly 83% penetration among mobile phone users.

A total of 75.1 million users in Japan accessed the Internet via mobile phones in 2008.

One of the most popular mobile phone activities for young adults in Japan was e-mail, with 72% of users ages 8 to 24 reading and answering e-mails on the go.

Japan’s culture of connectivity pushed penetration far above the 13% average for Asia-Pacific, according to a Synovate study sponsored by Microsoft Advertising, MTV and Yahoo!.

Mobile Phone Activities* of Young Adult Mobile Phone Users in Select Countries in Asia-Pacific, Q4 2008 (% of respondents)

Marketers should be cautious about tapping into this tech-savvy demographic with tried-and-true e-mail marketing, however.

According to a survey by Point On Research, 86% of mobile phone users in Japan check their e-mail every day—but they are highly sensitive to spam.

Mobile spam was seen as unsettling by more than 85% of respondents surveyed by goo Research.

Attitudes Toward Mobile Spam According to Mobile E-Mail Users in Japan, April 2009 (% of respondents)

The same survey found that 33% of those users received at least one piece of spam in their mobile e-mail each day.

Mobile marketing campaigns should take a more personal route.

“The ability to stimulate user action will be the key to success in mobile advertising,” said Yeunsil Lee, an ROA Group analyst.

Just don’t “stimulate” them with anything that looks like spam.

星期三, 4月 08, 2009

Macally 三合一 PowerLink

話說用了 陣子的iPhone之後,總覺得出門在外,那一條白色的線很討厭,有時候也不是要作什麼,就需要拿出場長的線充電什麼的,看了礙眼,包包裡面又多了一條線,不能共用。


iPhone 行動充電器:插了可以補充電源

iPhone 同步轉接充電頭:就是取代那一條專用線
















星期一, 4月 06, 2009


話說有一陣子大家都在找在visat 64bit裡面可以用的ramdisk軟體,不過一般的主機板大概都只有8GB的RAM,想要插更多RAM還要換新晶片組的主機板,加上4GB單條RAM實在是太貴,所以想要開大一點的ramdisk,實在是很痛苦。

這次入手的這個產品,可以插八條4GB的ddr2 RAM,是的,跟之技嘉只能插ddr的產品相較,這個比較有賣點。畢竟DDR的記憶體大概只能買到1GB一條,這個產品可以插4GB的ddr2記憶體,來到32GB的容量,比較接近堪用的地步,之前也是超受注目跟期待的。
















最後來看看這個裝置的效能,接在asus p5B主機板上面效能大概是寫入157MB/s,讀取大概是192MB/s左右,還算不錯,seektime就不多說了,ramdisk不用考慮這個部份。

