星期日, 7月 19, 2009

用了五年的 KUROBOX 硬碟終於遞出辭呈


這台kurobox不單單是nas,他其實做了很多不想讓一般主機硬碟太早掛點的事,我把其他機器上面的站存根cache都移到他身上,當然也包括了24hr不關機的file server跟bt與emule。由於p2p軟體非常的傷硬碟,當初的規劃是用到死,卻沒想到,這一用就是五年多,五年多來這台小機器居然撐了過來,在不通風的機櫃裡面,沒有冷氣吹,雖然他全速的功率也才17w,但是hdd本身得溫度就很高,在封閉空間裡面,他沒當過機,都是router先掛掉。

寫一下這機器的簡史,他是我當初在日本自己帶回來的,玄人志向的改裝部品,換裝debian LINUX,掛上httpd、smb、nfs之後,作為家中檔案伺服器之用,後來添加的media server、fileserver、p2p server都是利用他當作暫存跟動態存去之用,在24hr日以繼夜的操勞下,撐過了五年多的苦難歲月,如今即將卸下工作,進我的博物館了。


星期三, 7月 08, 2009

簡單的極致,pomera 文字處理機


記得很多年前使用ppk + palm v的時候,可以拿來打出一篇文章,作筆記的感覺,現在幾乎沒有人這樣使用,甚至連ppk那個等級的輸入設備也都買不到了,取而代之的事cost down過後的產品,華麗,卻有著質感上得不足。



























螢幕採用的是高反差與高解析度lcd,看起來跟eink的質感非常接近,同時具有將近180度的可視範圍,作為文字閱讀或是編輯,都有極佳的表現。同時因為是tft lcd,所以不會有eink更新遲緩的問題,更加適合進行編輯動作,或是長時間閱讀。













兩台放一起,會發現,sharp ac890甚至還要來的大一點。


再跟fujitsu u2010放在一起看看,其實還真的大小都是屬於同一個範圍的。但是u2010可以跑很多的應用程式,上網也很方便,不過比到鍵盤的話,這方面就差很多了,pomera遙遙領先。



星期四, 7月 02, 2009


Execs Go Online for Business Intelligence

JULY 1, 2009
Internet = Information

Getting the most up-to-date business information has always been important for business executives. In the past, they scoured newspapers and the trades for information and insights on trends and developments. But now, to find information fast, they turn to the Internet.

According to the “Rise of the Digital C-Suite” study from Forbes Insights and Google, the Internet has become the most valuable information resource for US executives.

Information Resources that US Senior-Level Executives Find Valuable, March-April 2009 (% of respondents)

Online ranked ahead of at-home and at-work contacts, personal networks, trade publications and outside consultants as an information resource. Newspapers and magazines trailed behind.

When it comes to locating business information online, search engines were rated higher than other digital tools, such as blogs, social networking sites and subscription search services.

Information Sources US Senior-Level Executives Find Valuable for Business Research, March-April 2009 (% of respondents)

The most important information executives searched for online was competitor analysis (53%), followed by customer trends (41%), corporate developments (39%), technology trends (38%) and compliance and legal issues (26%).

Surprisingly, 53% of executives preferred to gather information themselves rather than delegate research tasks to employees.

“Senior executives of all ages found the Internet to be a profoundly useful tool,” wrote the survey authors.

Online information sources will likely grow in importance, as executives under age 50 use new media tools more often than their older counterparts.


Delivering Digital Marketing

JULY 1, 2009

Karin von Abrams
eMarketer Senior Analyst
Friends, not cannibals.

The two-day DDB conference in London, sponsored by Broadcast magazine, brought together representatives of the UK government, the BBC, BSkyB, ITV, Virgin Media and other broadcasters with executives from Hulu, NBC Universal and Google. Media agencies and consultancies also took part.

Inevitably, the spotlight was on the relationship between TV and online viewing.

First, some remarkable facts:

  • Google is effectively the UK’s eighth-most-popular TV channel in terms of audience attention—and its revenue per hour is 30 times that of commercial channel ITV1. (This from Kip Meek of Ingenious Consulting Network and a consultant to the team behind the “Digital Britain” report.)
  • The BBC iPlayer carried 44% of all video streams seen on UK PCs in 2008, according to David Elms, head of media practice at consultancy KPMG.
  • Outright piracy is rampant. Oxford Economics calculated that in March 2009 alone, online theft of UK TV content was worth £531 million ($982 million). Moreover, 25% of all online TV piracy is estimated to take place in the UK.

So is TV at war with the Web?

UK Consumers Who Have Watched a Music Video on YouTube in the Past 12 Months, by Age and Gender, March 2009 (% of respondents in each group)

Broadcasters have certainly felt hard done by, as they saw their expensive content posted online without their say-so. Ad revenues for commercial broadcasters have fallen sharply and continue to tumble. Broadcasters also feared that people viewing online would spend less time watching television.

That turns out not to be true.

Alan Wurtzel, president of research and media development at NBC Universal, shared details of NBC viewers’ media behavior during the 17 days of the Beijing Olympics. Extraordinary usage around the clock enabled NBC to gather a wide range of data. Working with research firm Integrated Media Measurement Inc. (IMMI), the broadcaster monitored a number of individuals watching Olympics coverage on TV, the Web, a mobile phone or a video-on-demand (VOD) device.

Among the conclusions drawn at NBC:

  • The Web and other new technologies are ushering in a new “golden age of media,” in which multiple media usage is the norm.
  • TV is still king—across all generations. Viewer numbers and audience engagement levels are higher than ever.
  • Consumers expect multiplatform content—though most will not consume it on all devices.
  • Technical capability does not equal consumer interest. If you can’t offer simplicity and a great user experience, don’t bother.
  • Broadcast TV and the online channel can be best buddies. The Web does not replace traditional TV; it complements and extends it. NBC found that the more platforms viewers had, the more TV viewing of the Olympics rose.
  • Cross-platform ads really work, boosting brand recall and message recall in viewer samples by 40% or more.
  • Mobile TV viewing is coming to the mass market. But not yet.

Similar data on viewers’ perennial loyalty to TV content came from a study by the UK Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB UK) and broadcasting industry body Thinkbox. So the war is off, and a new consensus is emerging among TV broadcasters and content owners: If you can’t beat them, join them. The new mantra is about monetizing content across various platforms.

Broadcasters still struggle to do this, of course. But at least they are developing business models that tackle the problems head-on.

Teen and Young Adult Internet Users in Select Countries Who Prefer to Watch Online Video on TV Channel Websites*, September-December 2008 (% of respondents)

For example: Carolyn Fairbairn, director of corporate development and strategy at ITV, said that the company saw two ways to grow profits in the brave new multichannel world:

  1. Selling more content globally, including online
  2. Moving viewers away from personal video recorders (and the ability to skip ads) and toward VOD

ITV estimates that VOD will account for between 12% and 20% of all UK TV viewing by 2012. Another estimate, from UKTV, puts VOD viewing at about 10% of the total in 2013.

ITV is counting on the chance to insert pre- and midroll video ads into VOD content. It is also following the development of micropayments—which may give broadcasters a chance to claw back some of the revenue lost to the online channel.

Finally, it was heartening to see satellite broadcaster BSkyB unfazed by the threat of “new media.” Rob Webster, director of channels and operations, said that Sky considers its subscription model “absolutely sustainable.”

Meanwhile, Sky will continue to promote high-definition (HD) television—partly because even non-HD television viewing appears to rise in HD households—and will develop “addressable ads” for launch within two years. Because it can profile the viewing interests and habits of its subscriber households, Sky will be able to sell ads matching those interests and charge advertisers a premium.

For now, in the UK at least, TV and Web are sitting at the same table.